Insufficient Funding

The Puget Sound Partnership received funding in the 2022 supplemental legislative session to increase collaboration across federal, state, and local salmon recovery programs; provide guidance and technical assistance to update local watershed salmon recovery plans; communicate and share salmon recovery data; and support collection, management, and analyses of fish and habitat data to improve understanding of the effectiveness and interrelationships of specific restoration actions. This funding will inform efforts to restore healthy, harvestable salmon runs that sustain people and orcas. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will generate additional funding opportunities.

Despite these recent funding boosts, funding still constrains salmon recovery in Washington State, including programs such as the Puget Sound Acquisition and Restoration Fund, Salmon Recovery Funding Board, Estuary and Salmon Restoration Program, Floodplains by Design, and required match for the federal Puget Sound Nearshore Ecosystem Restoration Project. Funding also is needed to continue implementing the recommendations of the Governor’s Southern Resident Killer Whale Task Force that include recovery actions to support the primary food of orca, Chinook salmon.

View data on Funding statewide. Visit the Salmon Data Hub for more of the data behind the indicator charts and graphs used throughout this site.