State of Salmon in Watersheds

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Reporting on Salmon and Habitat in Washington

This Web site documents how Washingtonians have responded to the challenges of protecting and restoring salmon and steelhead and their habitats. It summarizes both the achievements and the issues statewide and by salmon recovery region.

Download the Executive Summary

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Salmon Recovery 101

Salmon Recovery 101
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What are the Challenges?

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How are Salmon Doing?

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Tribal Land Acknowledgment

The Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office and the Governor’s Salmon Recovery Office acknowledge the ancestral and contemporary lands called home by Indian tribes and nations1 from time immemorial. We recognize tribal sovereignty and that this place and the region of the Pacific Northwest hold spiritual, cultural, and personal significance for Indian tribes and nations. This acknowledgment is an expression of gratitude for the historic and ongoing self-determination of the tribes to be stewards for these lands, waters, natural resources, and many creatures including salmon that we are so privileged to enjoy here. The salmon recovery community is committed to honoring the role of Indian tribes and nations as it works collectively to recover salmon.


Statewide Salmon Data