Key Takeaways
Summer chum on the rebound. Hood Canal summer chum populations are approaching recovery goals, showing substantial improvements in abundance, productivity, geographical distribution, and genetic diversity.
Quality habitat will ensure summer chum resiliency. Protection and restoration actions have increased habitat quantity and quality across the region, increasing summer chum resiliency. Building climate resiliency to address future impacts, improving regulatory programs that protect habitat, and restoring degraded areas will help salmon in the long-term.
Managing fishing and improving habitat is helping salmon. Early restrictions on salmon fishing, combined with improvements in the quantity and quality of habitat, have increased the number of returning adult summer chum, particularly in years with favorable ocean conditions.
View Key Recovery Indicators
About the Region
Hood Canal is a glacier-carved fjord more than 60 miles long, which forms the westernmost edge of Puget Sound. The canal is home to a unique species of salmon called Hood Canal summer chum salmon. The Hood Canal Coordinating Council’s summer chum salmon recovery plan was adopted by the federal government in 2007. The plan takes a comprehensive approach that engages a variety of partners to focus on preserving and restoring the places where salmon and people live.